Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day Four

Our dinner party was a success. Not for the reasons I thought it would be, but it was.

Eduardo, Pedro and Sarah prepare the piñata.
Josephina cooked an amazing meal. We had guacamole, mole poblano with chicken, rice, tortillas, pork loin, and a spicy steak dish. Josephina left for a little while and said she would be back to serve the meal.  We thought at 6 or a little after. By 6:45, no Josephina. And recall that Stephanie was down and out with severe stomach problems.

The meal was for our good friend Dr. Eduardo Romero Hicks and three of his people. They were so good to Sarah and I last time we were here we wanted to have a special meal for them. At about 6:45 it wasn't feeling so special. At the recommendation of Eduardo, we all got up and heated the meal and served it. I even made the guacamole. Naturally, Josephina came in a short time later.

Margo takes a mighty swing. Note Pedro safely behind the door!
Later that night, Sarah, my 16-year-old daughter summed the dinner experience up best. "I think it was more fun that way." It reminded me of a big fire station dinner where everyone pitched in. It was hot and served in about 10 minutes.  And did I mention it was delicious?

Margo the burro!
Sarah the burro!
After dinner, we brought out the piñata for Margo. It was a team effort--and Margo loved it! Josephina tied off the rope on the upstairs balcony.  Eduardo attached the piñata and Pedro (a safe distance away) pulled the rope to move the piñata around. While our friends sang a traditional song, Margo took some solid swings at the piñata. After she had enough she called on Daddy for back-up.  Many strike the piñata and gradually knock off legs. Not me. I decapitated it...which made for a fun costume.

As the evening drew to a close I apologized to Eduardo about the dinner confusion and thanked him for his help. He was gracious and had a possible suggestion for the delay. "She may have been on GMT." Eduardo said. I was puzzled. "Greenwich Mean Time?" I asked.

"No. 'Guanajuato Maybe Time.'" He said. "It is Mexico, my friend."

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