Thursday, July 5, 2012

Eat, Drink, Shop, Teach

I do have much to blog about--especially after being without internet connection for 48 hours. I am going to use reverse order and talk about the most recent things first.
View from the Luna Tapas Bar

Stephanie and I had drinks at Luna, the roof-top bar at the Rosewood Hotel in San Miguel.  It is a beautiful hotel and the views are stunning. Our girls actually suggested that we go out together while they watched a movie. At first we thought that might actually be the beginning of some sort of conspiracy, but it was actually a wonderful gesture which we enjoyed very much.

Before that we did some shopping and had lunch at an excellent Italian restaurant, Mama Mia!  The girls had a pizza and I had the Arrachera steak (marinated and seasoned flank steak). It was fantastic. A Facebook friend recommend I try that steak at another place in town but I don't think we'll be able to get there.  I had to try it it. Margo wanted to try a bite. Then she ate about half the steak. It was saved with guacamole and frijoles. The margaritas were huge. Stephanie posted a pic of hers on her Facebook page.

Prior to eating we shopped. Here is how that goes: Margo wants everything. Sarah looks and doesn't buy. Stephanie buys. I follow them around. The end.

Future EMPACT instructors working on small group cases
I returned this morning from two days in Guanajuato. I stayed one extra night to teach and hang with my good friend, Dr. Eduardo Romero Hicks. I taught an EMPACT instructor class for Eduardo and 14 of his educators. Simply stated: It was a blast!

I wasn't sure what it would be like teaching with a translator. With Eduardo, it was very smooth and painless. Strangely, I found I could read the course documents in Spanish. The medical words, although in Spanish, were still in a clinical context and looked familiar.
The class photo

I was also pleased that my bizarre sense of humor translated well.

The students were attentive, passionate and clinically astute. We had a mix of physicians, nurses and medics in the class. I was presented with a Spanish language edition of the EMPACT book signed by each of the 15 students in this first class in Guanajuato!

You'll see the students in the group photo to the left have red shirts on. Another great friend, Pedro Olvera, designed a beautiful EMPACT Instructor patch with the Mexican flag colors which is sewn onto the instructors' shirts. I am confident the new educators will wear the patch well and be excellent ambassadors of the EMPACT philosophy!

This is about the end of the catch-up post. I'm turning in soon because SeƱor Tomas from the ranch will be picking us up at 9:00 am to take us horseback riding. Yes, there will be stories to tell from that trip.  Until tomorrow...

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